School Governing Body

The School Governing Body (SGB) is a statutory body of parents, educators, non-teaching staff and learners (from Grade 8 or higher). It is mandated by the learners, parents, teaching, and non-teaching staff to set policies and rules that govern the school, and to monitor the implementation of the rules. The SGB is responsible for the control of funds including collection and spending of fees to ensure the school is maintained and developed to offer the best standard of education to learners.

Duties of the School Governing Body

School Governing Bodies must ensure that the school is governed in the best interest of all the stakeholders. All SGB members must always put the best interest of the school before any personal interests. The South African Schools Act (Act No. 84 of 1996) stipulates that a SGB must:
  • Promote the best interest of the school and ensure its development
  • Adopt a constitution setting out how the SGB will operate
  • Adopt a mission statement for the school
  • Adopt a code of conduct for learners at the school which sets out disciplinary procedures
  • Help the principal, educators and other staff members to perform their professional functions
  • Decide on school policy which should include amongst others admissions, language and finance
  • Administer and control the property of the school, buildings and grounds
  • Encourage parents, learners, educators and other staff members at the school, to offer voluntary services to the school

The SGB may apply to the Head of Department, in writing requesting to be allocated any of the following functions

  • To maintain and improve the schools property, buildings and grounds
  • To buy textbooks, educational materials and equipment for the school
  • To pay for services rendered to the school.
Some key responsibilities of the SGB are:
  • Decision Making
  • Planning
  • Conflict Management
  • Team Building
  • Negotiation
  • School Finances

Meet our Governors

Our SGB is composed of nine (9) parents, three (3) educators, one (1) support staff, two (2) learners and the principal as an ex-officio.
Parent Representatives
Chairperson - Phumelela Nkosi
Educator Representatives
Jacob Mula
Phumlani Phakathi
Clyde Tshabalala
Support Staff Representative
Learner Representatives
The Principal is the ex-officio member of the SGB
Principal - Puseletso Hoaeane